Shipping Information
Paintings and larger works are typically shipped via FedEx Ground, and smaller pieces may be shipped by USPS, UPS, or FedEx. As of April 2017, shipping is free within the United States only. For shipments outside of the US, please contact me at for a shipping quote before placing your order. As much as possible, shipments of multiple items will be combined. Shipments are insured with the carrier at the full purchase price.
Typical turnaround time is 3-5 business days. If the preparation and shipping of your purchase is expected to exceed this time, you will be notified as soon as possible upon order confirmation. Special accommodations can be made for rush or gift orders; additional shipping charges may apply (you will be contacted for approval of any additional charges). Items will not be shipped until payment is received in full.
Billing and Payments
Payment is accepted via credit card or instant bank transfer through PayPal or Amazon Payments. Please contact me if you would like to request other arrangements. All shipments to addresses in New York state are subject to sales tax.
Return Policy
I want you to be happy with your purchase, and I will make every effort to accurately describe the condition, measurements, and appearance of pieces in product listings. Please note that colors may vary across monitors and devices. I am always happy to send additional photos, detail views, and information about any piece you are considering purchasing.
If pieces arrive damaged from transit, claims must be filed with the carrier for reimbursement.
If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any other reason, please contact me within 14 days of receipt if you wish to return an item for a full refund or exchange.
Rights and Reproductions
All copyrights to the images and rights to reproduction are retained by Victoria Boardman Studio in perpetuity. By purchasing an original work of art or reproduction and agreeing to these terms and conditions, you explicitly agree that you will not create or distribute prints, copies, or other items bearing the original images, including but not limited to clothing, household goods, personal items, and posters. If digital images of work are displayed online, the artist must be credited with proper attribution, including the medium, size, and the name Victoria Boardman. Images displayed in printed or online publications must bear the artist’s copyright and attribution. These terms may be amended or a licensing arrangement made by prior agreement with the artist.